The Cambridge Half Marathon will take place on Sunday 9 March 2025, and it has already sold out. However, there is still the chance to secure a spot via one of the official charity partners.

If you are planning to take part, there is no better time than now to train with injury prevention in mind. According to research, at least half of recreational runners are injured each year, in the UK. So, it is important to take steps to avoid becoming one of these statistics! Here are our top tips for injury-free training for the Cambridge Half Marathon.

Give your Body Time to Adjust to Increased Training

A common cause of injury is increasing distance and speed before your body is ready, along with a lack of recovery time between runs. We recommend you do not increase mileage by more than 10% in any given week, take rest days, and alternate between speed and distance runs. 

Alternate Runs with Strength & Flexibility Training

Running on its own is not the best way of training for your body. Running with muscle weaknesses and imbalances commonly causes overuse injuries of muscles that are not strong enough to do the job asked of them. Ideally, you should alternate runs with strength and flexibility training twice weekly.

Wear Appropriate Running Shoes

We recommend that you do not run in your everyday trainers. Take advice from a professional running shop. They can take a look at your gait and recommend the most appropriate trainers for your running style. You should then use these trainers only as your “running” trainers.

Pay Attention to Running Gait

Familiarise yourself with basic running gait knowledge or seek professional advice. For example, if the knee is too straight as the heel touches the ground, this impact on the knee will significantly increase the risk of injury. The knee can flex appropriately if you do not overstride.

running injury prevention

Don’t Ignore Niggling Discomfort

It is best to deal with any issues early – ignoring an injury will not make it go away, and can worsen it. Seeing a professional will help you identify the problem, so that you can rectify it. Nipping issues in the bud will get you back on the road and across that finishing line.

How Cutting Edge Podiatry Can Help

At Cutting Edge Podiatry we specialise in MSK issues of the lower limbs. We have a brand new Gait Lab at our clinic on Barnwell Road in Cambridge. This is where we operate our Run3D clinics. Run3D was described by Runnners World Magazine as “The Best Gait Analysis in the World”. Using this advanced technology we can help identify the root cause of any injury or pain. This data-driven approach makes sure you get accurately targeted treatment and advice. Read more here.